
Showing posts from October, 2017


I moved from Sydney to the Netherlands a couple of years ago. In my six years of living in Sydney, I fell into the trap of not doing the "tourist" things - I lived there, I wasn't a bloody tourist. In the end, I moved back to Europe in a bit of a rush, and missed out on most of the Australian highlights. Luckily, I've been back in Sydney for the last couple of months with work, so I decided it was now or never to make up for this. Uluru A common debate amongst folks living in Sydney is whether it's worth going to visit Uluru (Ayer's Rock) or not. "It's just a big rock." "It's too hard to get to." "It's too expensive." I was undecided myself, until I read Bill Bryson's account of his visit in the brilliant Down Under : ".... And then you see it, and you are instantly transfixed. (...) It's not that Uluru is bigger than you had supposed or more perfectly formed or in any way different from the impressi

The blog is back

It's been 8 years, 1 month, and 16 days since my last post in my previous travel blog . I really enjoyed writing it at the time, and I really enjoying reading it even now - it's a treasure trove of amazing Asian memories, and a great reminder of why I love travelling so much. That's why I'm doing it again. I've dusted off the backpack (yep, the same one I used in 2009). I've got the travel vaccinations. I've done enough research to get me started. I've booked the things I needed to book. As I write this, all that's left for me to do in the four days between now and my departure is pack, a couple more days of work, and some farewell beers. It's becoming real now. Here we go again.